Nothing is more powerful than objective storytelling - it's what brings our dedicated audience back to CRN every day.

As part of our expansion into long-form editorial content focusing on issues that matter to the channel, we now offer the opportunity for sponsors to support significant editorial projects - giving your brand the opportunity to be attached to meaningful explorations of themes that matter most to your potential customers and partners.




Unlocked, high-quality and focused explorations of a topic that matters to the audience.

CRN will be running a monthly editorial deep dive into a different aspect of the IT industry from the perspective of various members of the Australian IT Channel. 

Sponsoring a Focal Point allows you to align your brand with a specific topic through a featured piece of content that is promoted on CRN. The content is independent and therefore will appear in the news stream. Focal Point topics focus on subjects our audience are seeking more knowledge on and are most interested in.

Focal Point editorial inclusions:

1x Overview Minidocumentary (9 mins approx) to sit on the main page of Focal Point

2x articles (500 words)

See previous Focal Points here

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Sponsorship Inclusions
  • 15-30s advertisement in the Focal Point Mini Documentary:

    The client must supply a VO script (CRN to record) and maximum of 5x product screenshots to appear OR a completed 30s advertisement

  • 1 round of amendments to the advertisement
  • Sponsor logo integration into display advertising surrounding all Focal Point content:
    • Co-branded iTnews and sponsor super leader and site skins (clicks through to Focal Point Hub)
    • Sponsor provides creative for MREC and leader board (clicks through to sponsor site)
  • These ads will be displayed on the Focal Point landing page to encourage traffic to your Focal Point

  • 1 x 600-750 word partner content article related to Focal Point topic


Investment - $12,000

  • All content will be promoted by the CRN newsletter, EDM and LinkedIn posts

  • 1x CRN content-focused EDM amplifying partner content piece


CRN Podcast

Meaningful discussions with Australian channel leaders.

2x 10-episode seasons per year

Season 1: May, June, July
Focusing on the previous year's CRN Fast50 Top 10.

Season 2: September, October November
Interviews with leaders in the channel, including CRN Impact Award winners.

  • LinkedIn posts

  • Website advertising

  • Podcast episodes feature in website article

  • Podcast features as editorial in newsletter
Sponsorship Inclusions
  • Per-episode sponsorship with branded messaging at start and end of podcast (packages available)

  • Option to add 5-minute interview to the end of one episode in place of 2nd branded messaging



Ahead of each new financial year the CRN Kickstarter report flags strategic opportunities for IT and digital channel partners.

The annual report examines upcoming spending drivers, technological trends and how partners are positioning to benefit.

Featuring analysis of Australia’s fastest-growing channel partners – the CRN Fast50 – and comments from channel leaders and other industry experts, it will aim to get channel leaders thinking about what they sell and to who.

The report is launched at a breakfast event, giving partners, vendors and distributors in attendance a sneak peak before the report goes live across the nation.

Event/Report Launch Details

Date    | 29th February 2024

Where | Sheraton, Hyde Park, Sydney CBD

Time    | 8am - 10:30am


In 2023 the report focused on:

  • The rise of digital

  • Tackling MSP's margin squeeze

  • Government IT and digital spending in FY23-24

  • Selling data protection in a post-Medibank world

  • Riding the edge DC wav

In 2024 the report will focus on:
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kick table
Sponsor Inclusions


  • Sponsorship of the CRN Kickstarter report and hub for 1 year
  • Sponsorship of the CRN Kickstarter breakfast event


  • 2 tickets to the breakfast launch with 30 partners in attendance


  • Opportunity to provide comments for the report in 150 word breakout box. 


  • Sponsor logo to be included in the report and all promotional assets
  • 20,000 ROS leader board impressions
  • Social tile created for the sponsor to share with their own network


  • Data of 25 readers (business card details) who have accessed the Kickstarter report


Investment - $15,000.00 + GST


1 x rep included on a panel at the breakfast launch = $2,500.00 + GST


State of MSP logo-1

23rd April, 2024

Each year CRN runs its State of the MSP program where it showcases the MSP Champion vendors that have worked closely with MSPs throughout Australia. See last year's report here.

The 2024 report involves a look at the attitudes of both buyers and service providers. Each chapter will consider the customer and market spending drivers and resulting business opportunities for MSP in 2024. The report will highlight the opportunities and challenges for MSPs with a focus on the following key areas:

1. MSP business models - how customers needs are changing. 
2. Managed security - the predominant way to evolve your MSP business. 
3. MSP marketing - latest tools, technologies, models and techniques for organic growth, customer acquisition and M&A. 


If you are working with managed service providers, we are offering you the opportunity to be showcased as a CRN MSP Champion.

Sponsorship Inclusions

Silver Package

  • Sponsorship of the CRN State of MSP report and hub for 1 year

  • A logo/badge that sponsors can include in their signature/on branding stating that they are a CRN MSP Champion

  • One 650-word Partner content piece 

  • Opportunity to provide comment for the report in 150 word breakout box. 


  • Sponsor logo to be included in the report and all promotional assets.

  • Partner content piece promoted within partner content section on homepage and editorial newsletter. 



  • Data of 50 readers (business card details) who have accessed the state of the MSP report.


Investment - $9,500

Sponsorship Inclusions

Gold Package

Silver package inclusions with the addition of the following:

  • 1 video interview showcasing sponsors' work within the MSP area where they became an MSP Champion

  • Video will be created by the CRN video production team and can be used as an internal asset once published by CRN. The video features a member of the sponsors' team answering questions posed by CRN

  • One 300-word Partner content piece hosting your sponsor video

Investment - $15,000

Gold Amplification Package
  • 100-click social media campaign

  • 1x CRN content-focused EDM amplifying all the State Champions content

  • Any amplification of the CRN State of MSP program will include sponsors' branding


Investment - $2,500


iTN_CRN_DN_State_of_Security logo

Cybercrime costs businesses and the community hundreds of billions of dollars and the problem is getting worse.
Each year iTnews, CRN and Digital Nation publish a joint State of Security report to explore the ever-evolving issue of cybersecurity.

CRN State of Security report is back again for 2024 and is released to all three publications (CRN, iTnews & Digital Nation) on
30th April, 2024.

The report will be housed on all 3 of nextmedia’s B2B technology news websites. The content of the sub-categories can only be accessed by readers who enter their contact details.

  • CRN: CISOs and CIOs
  • Digital Nation: Boards and risk managers
  • CRN: MSSPs and Partners

What’s included in the report?

Each subcategory of the report will provide:

  • An overview of the category
  • A description of the type of security provided
  • Identify the types of threats
  • Identify key market moves such as acquisitions

Sponsor a category

Application Security
  • Developing, adding testing security features within applications to prevent security vulnerabilities against unauthorized access and modification
Cloud Security
  • Protecting cloud-based data, applications and infrastructure from cyber-attacks and cyber-threats
Data Security
  • Protecting digital information from unauthorized access, corruption, or theft
Identity & Access Management
  • Providing the right people with the right access at the right time
SASE (Secure Access Service Edge)
  • Securing access to web, cloud services and private applications
Network & Infrastructure Security
  • Protecting underlying networking infrastructure by installing preventative measures to deny unauthorized access, modification, deletion, and theft of resources and data
  • IAM measures
Fraud Detection & Prevention
  • Detect and prevent attempts to obtain money or property
  • Type of solutions
Endpoint Security
  • Protecting users’ devices from internal and external cyber-threats
  • Type of solutions
  • Next natural evolution beyond EDR (endpoint) and MDR (managed) detection and response
  • Type of solutions

Report release date - 30th April, 2024
Sponsorship deadline - 9th April, 2024

  • Sponsorship of the State of Security report and hub for 1 year
  • 2 sponsors associated with each section of the report  (Application Security, Data Security etc.)
  • Data of 50 readers (business card details) who have accessed the State of the Security report
    • We will prioritise the preferred audience: CRN, iTnews or Digital Nation
  • Sponsor's logo will feature on the home page of the report and within their sponsored section
  • Sponsor's logo to be present on all three websites

  • 1 video interview showcasing sponsor's work relevant to the subject matter
  • Video will be created by the Nextmedia video production team
    • Video can be used by the sponsor as an internal asset once published by nextmedia
    • The video features a member of the sponsor’s team answering questions posed by nextmedia
    • A planning call will be arranged before the video recording
  • One 300-word partner content piece hosting the sponsor’s video (on the chosen website)

    Investment - $15,000+GST
Amplification Add-Ons
  • 100-click social media campaign on chosen website handle (iTnews, CRN, Digital Nation)
  • One EDM promoting your sponsor content to the chosen database (iTnews, CRN, Digital Nation)
Additional Investment - $5,000+GST

Boardroom Impact

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc fermentum dictum malesuada. Aenean pretium orci volutpat aliquam scelerisque.

Frequency: quarterly – only if sponsored

Main page available without signing in and intro paragraph on main page

1 hour video discussion with four subject-matter experts (and one sponsor-supplied talent), facilitated by a nextmedia journalist

1x Overview Micro-documentary (9 mins approx.) featuring all discussion participants

1x 800wd article to feature on iTnews, distributed in iTnews newsletter and social channels

5x video interviews (5 mins approx.), each featuring 1x subjectmatter expert – 5th video to feature sponsor-supplied talent

Sponsorship Inclusions
  • Sponsor branding on Board Room Impact main page
  • Sponsor logo features in all videos during opening graphics
  • Sponsor ‘Last Word’ – final 1 minute of microdocumentary to feature sponsor-supplied talent
  • All editorial will be promoted by iTnews newsletter, EDM & LinkedIn posts
  • 1x iTnews content-focused EDM amplifying Board Room Impact

CRN Sales Team

Reach out to our friendly sales team to sponsor the best channel content.


Steven McDonald

Commercial Director

Ph: (02) 9901 6365
M: 0468 430 161


Ryan Coombs

Strategic Partnerships Director

M: 0449 671 738

Andrew Jackson

Account Director

Ph: (02) 9901 6374
M: 0400 604 646


Dominic Tusa

Account Manager

Ph: (02) 9901 6193
M: 0420 200 386


Luke Dehaan

Account Manager

Ph: (02) 9901 6339
M: 0410 742 526